Parent Pick-Up
Important Reminders:
Drop Off:
A-L use the Right Lanes, M-Z stay Straight Ahead
- Pull up all the way to the FRONT of the drop off line, especially during times of high traffic. This allows for more vehicles to pull up along the sidewalks.
- Your child(ren) must promptly leave the vehicle, collect their belongings and walk into school. Out of respect for the families behind you waiting to drop off, conversations and good-byes need to occur prior to the drop off point. If you need to spend an extra few minutes with your child, park your vehicle in the parking lot and walk them safely to the sidewalk.
- Do not park your vehicle in the drop off lane and enter the school. Unattended vehicles cause unnecessary traffic blockage. If you need to enter the school building, park your vehicle in the parking lot.
- Watch for vehicles coming up behind you as you are exiting the drop off lane.
- For the safety of the students, young children and traffic directors, refrain from distracted cell phone usage and drive slowly.
Pick Up:
A-L use the Right Lanes, M-Z stay Straight Ahead
- Respectfully merge into the pick up lines as directed by the traffic director. They are doing their very best to create a safe and efficient flow of traffic for everyone.
- Pull up all the way to the FRONT of the pick up line. This allows for more vehicles to pull up along the sidewalks.
- Promptly depart the pick up lanes once you have your child(ren) so traffic can keep moving.
- Watch for vehicles coming up behind you as you are exiting the pick up lanes.
- For the safety of the students, young children and traffic directors, refrain from distracted cell phone usage and drive slowly.