
School District

102 - Equal Educational Opportunity

103 - Reporting Unethical Behavior

110 - Data Retention

School Board

208 - Policy Development

214 - Out of State Travel

SCPA-707 Election of Board Officers


301 - Application and Enrollment

302 - Kindergarten Admission


401 - Equal Employment

402 - Employee Disability Nondiscrimination

402.5 - Employee Sex Nondiscrimination

404 - Background Checks

406 - Public and Private Personnel Data

407 - Employee Right to Know - Hazardous Substances

410 - Family and Medical Leave

412 - Expense Reimbursement

413 - Violence and Harassment

414 - Mandated Reporting

417 - Chemical Use and Abuse

418 - Drug Free

418F - Acknowledgement to Drug Free Workplace/School

419 - Tobacco Free Environment

426 - Anti-Nepotism

427 - Workload Limits

SCPA – 708 Guidance on Consulting by Administrators


501 - School Weapons Policy

502 - Search of Student

504 - Student Appearance (Dress Code)

506 - Student Discipline

513 - Student Promotion and Retention

514 - Bullying Prohibition

515 - Protection and Privacy of Student Records

515 - Public Notice Regarding Policy 515

516 - Student Medication

516.5 - Overdose of Medication

521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination

522 - Student Sex Nondiscrimination

524 - Internet Acceptable Use

526 - Hazing Prohibition

531 - Pledge of Allegiance

533 - Wellness Policy

534 - School Meals Policy

535 - Service Animals

Education Programs

609 - Religion

621 - Literacy and Read Act

Operations/Business Services

707 - Health Insurance Transparency Act

709 - Student Transportation

714 - Fund Balance


801 - Equal Access to School Facilities

806 - Crisis Management

Community Relations

905 - Advertising on School Grounds


Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in State-wide Testing

2024-2025 FERPA Notification


SCPA-701 - Lottery Procedures

SCPA-702 - Shared Time Services

SCPA-703 - Student Leave of Absence

SCPA-704 - Capital Assets Capitalization Policy

SCPA-705 - School Board Director Requests of Administration

SCPA-706 - Data Practices

SCPA-708 Guidance on Consulting by Administrators

SCPA-709 Purchasing, Procurement, and Contracting

Under Construction

Please note: We are in the process of updating our faculty directory over the summer and thus some information may be out of date.